Thursday, 10 December 2020

Oh Christmas Tree


While Christmas celebrations may look a little different this year, one thing that remains the same is my devout dedication to turning the house into a festive wonderland full of playfulness, whimsy & exuberance harking back to my childhood years. The decorations lovingly placed around our home & carefully attached to every tree branch of our three Christmas Trees of varying size, shape & colour are both old & new, some from when my parents were young, some from when I was a baby, some made by me at kindergarten (the pottery Santa face & butterfly in the picture below), some more modern that take into account new likes & interests (the Nutcracker Ballet set of four figures, for example) or are just too cute to pass up (Winnie the Pooh in the honey tree, anyone?) & some given by friends, colleagues & even children in my mother's class at school over the years. All are precious to me & all have a story; most of all the Christmas Angel on the very top of our lounge room tree that has been part of all Penny Christmas observances for as long as I can remember, so much so that my younger brother & I used to take turns placing her on the very top of the tree when we were children.

Scroll down to take a peek...


When curiosity gets the better of one of Santa's elves...

Australian Nativity Scene: the very same one that my Godchildren in England are looking at this year. Hopefully we'll be able to be reunited in early 2021...



Burst of colour & modernity...

Keeping up with the latest festive news on our Elf Radio...

Gorgeous vintage Nutracker Ballet print from the 1920s, gifted to me by a dear friend...


Christmas Village Scenes


The reason for the season...


White & silver with a touch of deep red...


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