Saturday, 14 November 2015


From the other side of the world, through a television screen, today I witnessed the unthinkable, the unimaginable & the unfortunately all too real: the terror attacks in Paris. I don't like to use this fashion blog as a political platform or place to discuss or debate social issues, but as far as I'm concerned, these comments are about the triumph of FREEDOM & HUMANITY over acts of inestimable depravity & barbarity...

Three years ago, to the day, I was in Paris with my parents, staying at the wonderful Crown Plaza Paris Republique in the 10th arrondissement, enjoying the history, art & culture the City is famous for. Individuals working at the hotel & those I encountered in many of the restaurants, shops, art galleries & museums in the surrounding areas were incredibly generous & helpful to a trio of novice explorers startled by the rigors of overseas travel & their efforts did not go unnoticed or unappreciated. The thought of those kindhearted people being the target of these acts of evil is almost too much to bear & I admit that I have shed many, many tears over innocence & innocents lost.

My prayers are with those who were needlessly, senselessly, mercilessly & cruelly murdered or maimed while enjoying a Friday night out in the celebrated City of Light; their families, loved ones & fellow countrymen & women, as well as anyone else who has marveled at the liberte, egalite & fraternite inherent in this world capital that is often considered to be a beacon of freedom, not least due to the majesty & ingenuity of the famed Eiffel Tower.

Even from as far away as Australia, I stand WITH you & FOR you; for the ideals you so faithfully uphold regardless of the aggression you have encountered, for the patriotism you show when your beloved country & way of life is beset by evil. Paris must triumph; Paris WILL triumph. 

May peace reign & the City of Light never dim...



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